We've been working really hard in Math on our first topic, Area and Volume. Your child's graded test should be in this week's Friday Folder. Please take a moment to look through it, sign the pink slip, and return the packet in the folder on Monday. Next week we will begin our next Unit, Place Value.
In Writing, we have started work on our Narratives. Students wrote two different leads to their story and tried out some new and interesting ways to begin a story. Today, students shared what they had written with their peers to help them decide which lead works best for their story. Next week we will work on writing an effective ending and begin to edit our work for transitions and descriptive words.
In Reading, we have finished (finally!) our beginning of the year assessments. The information from these tests help us determine how we can help your child become a better reader. This past week in Reading we have been focusing on how to summarize a story by choosing and writing about only the most important plot details.
This week we also introduced our first Social Studies Project where students will be researching and presenting to the class about a group of Native Americans. Their project will be to research, create a google slides presentation, and make a model of a Native American artifact. Students will be creating most of this project at school, so be on the look out in the coming weeks for pictures of what they create.
Have a GREAT weekend!