Fall Party-Looking forward to our 5th grade class party! We are joining up with the other classes for a grade level party on Friday at 1:45. For more information and to see how you can help, check out the signup genius link.
Spirit Day-
Tomorrow we are encouraging to students to wear Black and Gold in support of Mizzou's Homecoming game.
Book Projects-
I sure hope this isn't the first time you are hearing about it, but Book Projects are due tomorrow! A few students shared today, and they did a great job!
Parent Teacher Conferences-
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon! Look in your child's Friday Folder tomorrow for the sign up sheet. Please make sure to return the form by October 25th. This year we will be doing student led conferences, so make sure your child is available to attend the conference with you. I look forward to visiting with everyone and sharing some of your child's work.
Check out some pictures from the last two weeks! Native American Project Pictures will be coming soon after all groups have presented.