Monday, November 27, 2017

Middle School Fine Arts Info

Please see the message below from Mrs. Sharp regarding middle school fine arts:

Please help advertise the date for our students to attend “Try Me Out Night” at Gentry which is Thursday, January 11th, at 6:30 pm. through your blogs and emails to parents.  

“Try Me Out Night” offers an opportunity for students to try out different instruments and receive advice regarding the selection of an instrument for band and orchestra programs. If a child cannot attend the date assigned for their middle school they may attend one of the other nights at a different school.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to take a minute to say how thankful I am to get to spend everyday with this group of kids.  I am very grateful for the opportunity to watch them learn and grow!  We had a fun filled (short) week!  I've uploaded some pictures of the past two days.  We helped plant milkweed seed in the prairie, shared our Turkey Tom projects (Wow!), and enjoyed homemade bread and butter.  I hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends over the Thanksgiving break!

Friday, November 17, 2017

News From Trailer E

We've had a busy week in Trailer E!  I wanted to remind everyone about a few things:

Turkey Tom
- Turkey Tom projects are due Monday.  Students have been researching a state of their choice, and they are to decorate Turkey Tom to represent that state.  On Tuesday the students will be sharing their Turkeys, and classmates will vote on the most informative turkey and the most creative turkey.

Book Projects
- Our second book project due date has been pushed back to December 7th.  Students will be sharing projects with the class on the 7th and 8th.  Make sure your child has finished (or is close to finishing their book!), so they can spend some time over the next two weeks on their project.

- On Monday, November, 20th our class will be outside planting seeds in the prairie, so please make sure students wear old shoes in case of mud and dress appropriately for the weather.

Check out some pictures and videos below of what we've been up to!!  Congrats to the choir for an awesome performance, and shout out to our Adler for a great solo in the Veteran's Day program.  This is such a talented group of kids!!

Veteran's Day Program Video

Choir Performance Video

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Busy Week

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week.  In last week's Friday Folder you should've seen the time and date of your scheduled conference.  Let me know if you aren't able to attend, so we can reschedule.  This year, 5th grade conferences will be student-led, so make sure your child is able to attend the conference with you at the scheduled time.  The conference should take between 15-20 minutes.  I look forward to visiting with everyone and sharing your child's progress!

Scholastic Book Fair

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held November 6-10th.  It will open from 7:30-5 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and 7:30-7 on Thursday.  On Friday it will be open from 8-10.  If you would like to sign up to volunteer and help work the book fair, please visit the sign up link below.

Veteran's Day Concert

Mrs. Sharp has been working with students during Music to prepare them for our school's Veteran's Day Concert.  Our class will be performing on Wednesday, November 8th at 9:30 in the gym if you would like to attend.  Please remind your child to wear red, white, and blue that day!

Food Drive for Meals on Wheels

RBE Service Club is organizing the Food Drive for Meals on Wheels.  We will be collecting non-perishable items until November 14th.  If you wish to donate, fifth grade students have been asked to bring instant oatmeal individual packets boxes, containers of pudding, and smooth peanut butter.

Here are some pictures from the week!