Friday, December 8, 2017

Busy Time of Year!

This time of year is always so fun and very busy!  Please take a moment to read some updates and reminders.

December Calendar of Activities:

  • Thank you to everyone who has sent in items for our upcoming activities!  If you signed up to bring supplies or goodies, please make sure to send them to school by Monday, December 18th.
  • Your child should've come home with information about his/her Secret Santa gift exchange.  Please let me know if you'd rather your child not participate or if you have any questions.  Please bring Secret Santa Gifts to school no later than Tuesday, December 19th!
  • Desk Wrapping:  Beginning Thursday, December 14th, students will be allowed to bring in wrapping paper to wrap the top of their desks for the rest of the holiday season.  This is optional, but it makes our room look really festive.  If you are able to donate a roll of wrapping paper for other students to use, that would be appreciated as well!
Book Projects:
  • Yesterday and today we shared our 2nd Book Projects.  Overall, I think the kids put much more effort and thought into this project.  We have a lot of really creative kids.  It is fun to see them share about a book they enjoyed.

Classroom News:
  • Our class is quickly running our of dry erase markers, as we use them a lot in our Math lessons.  If you are able to donate dry erase markers to our classroom supplies, we would really appreciate it!
  • This week, we spent some time in writing researching what life was like during colonial times.  Today, students chose a colonial job that they will begin researching next week for their first informational paper of the year.  The students are excited for this project!
  • We are wrapping up Unit 3 in Math.  Students are learning how to add, subtract, convert, and make sense of fractions and mixed numbers.  We will be having our Unit 3 test next Friday.
  • Last Friday, we reviewed symmetry and learned that snowflakes have symmetry.  We learned how to make 3D Snowflakes.  It was a lot of fun, and they look great hanging in our room.
  • Thank you to everyone for returning your child's Biztown permission form.  In your child's Friday Folder, you will find the Parent Volunteer Form.  Please fill this out and return it Monday if you would like to volunteer for this fun field trip.  Biztown only allows us to take a limited amount of volunteers, so it will be a first come, first serve opportunity.  The kids are REALLY excited to visit Biztown in January.
  • Next week, we will send home our normal Homework Packet, but there will be no homework the last week of school before Winter Break!
  • Winter Party- look for a sign up coming home soon regarding our Winter Party to be held on Thursday, December 21st at 1:45.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Wonder Movie

We had so much fun getting together Saturday afternoon to watch Wonder!  It was such a great movie with a great message!