Monday, February 5, 2018

5th Grade Updates

Lots of Photos:

I have taken a lot of pictures the past couple of weeks.  Below you will find links to pictures of BizTown, Maker Morning, and the Colonial Live Museum.  Take a minute to see what we've been up to!

Conference Week:

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Feb. 13-15th.  Your child's conference time is written in their Friday Folder.  Please let me know if the date/time doesn't work for you.  I look forward to visiting with everyone next week.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Don't forget Book Projects are due on Friday, February 9th.
  • Our Valentine's Party will be Wednesday, February 14th from 1:45-2:30.  Your child is welcome (but not required) to make a Valentine's Box and bring Valentine's cards to pass out at school.  We will be passing out Valentine's cards on Valentine's Day in the morning, before our party.  I will send home a class list with everyone later this week.
  • No School February 16 and 19th.

Supplies Needed!

Our classroom is out of Kleenex and Dry Erase Markers!  If you are able to send a box or two next week, we would really appreciate it!

Stay warm, and have a great week!