Tuesday, April 24, 2018

5th Grade Updates

Students have been working hard during the MAP test!  Only 2 more days left!

I wanted to send out some reminders, as well as share a few pictures from some of our fun in Trailer E!  Please take a moment to read about some upcoming activities.

Sock Hop

Don't forget the 5th Grade Sock Hop is this Friday, April 27th from 6-8.  Don't forget to sign up to bring snacks/supplies here: Sock Hop Sign Up
I can't wait to see everyone there!

Get Acquainted Night at Gentry

Don't forget to make plans to attend Gentry's Get Acquainted Night for incoming 6th graders!  It is scheduled for Monday, April 30th 6-7:30.

5th Grade Picnic

We are in need of volunteers for our 5th Grade Picnic on the last day of school.  If you are interested in volunteering, look for this form to be coming home later this week!  Thanks!

Check out our Pictures!

Making Simple Machines

Sport's Day and Trip to Jimmy John's

Monday, April 9, 2018

Busy Time of Year!!

We have so much coming up in 5th Grade that I wanted to send out a few updates and reminders.  Please read through all of the information below, and let me know if you have any questions.

MAP Testing

5th grade will be MAP testing April 17-26th.  During this time please make sure your child is present and well rested to help them do their very best on the test.  We only test for a small chunk of the day, so there will be plenty of time for students give their brains a break throughout the day.  Please keep in mind a few things:
  • Make sure your child has ear buds at school!  They will need them for the test, and we only have a limited number of them at school.
  • I don't want the kids to test on an empty stomach.  If you are able to donate some snacks for the class on one of the testing days, please let me know.
  • Sometimes sucking on a peppermint or small piece of candy helps kids focus.  If you are able to donate a bag of small candy for the class during testing, please let me know.
Please take a moment to read over our MAP testing schedule below:


  • Don't forget to send in a baby picture of your child ASAP!  (See note in Friday Folder)We will be using the picture for a special presentation.  If you can send a digital copy through email, that is preferred, but if you only have printed picture, that will work too.  I will take good care of it, and return it to you by the end of the month.
  • Literacy Award - If your child has been working toward earning the Literacy Award, please remind them to get any final book summaries turned in ASAP.  The deadline to have all book summaries turned in for this award will be May 4th.  To earn this award at graduation, students must have read and turned in 10 book summary sheets in 5 different genres.  Email me with questions.

Important Dates to Remember


  • 5th Grade Panoramic Photo- April 10th
  • Early Release - April 11th
  • MAP Testing- April 17-26th (See schedule above)
  • RBE Spirit Day- Sports Day - April 20th
  • 5th Grade Sock Hop - April 27th 6-8pm


  • MAP Hot Dog Party - May 2nd
  • Job Shadowing Field Trip to Missouri Credit Union - May 3rd
  • 5th Grade Hike to Rock Bridge State Park- May 8th
  • Variety Show- May 11th
  • Field Day - May 16th
  • RBE Spirit Day - May 18th
  • 5th Grade Graduation- May 21st 6:00 at The Crossing
  • Last Day of School- May 22nd

Book Projects

We've had some awesome projects this time!  Check out some pictures below.