We have had such a fun last full week of school! I really can't believe how quickly the year has passed. As the year comes to an end, I wanted to share a few reminders as well as a few pictures of the fun we've had this week.
- Don't forget 5th Grade Graduation is Monday, May 21st at 6:00 at The Crossing.
- Doors open at 5:30, and please make sure your child is there by 5:45 at the latest!! We don't want anyone to miss the opening of the ceremony.
No Friday Folders
- With the craziness of the day, Friday Folders did not get filled out or sent home today.
- Please be sure to check your child's backpack on Monday to see the special I Am... poem we have been working on!
5th Grade Picnic
- Don't forget the 5th Grade Picnic is on the last day of school, Tuesday, May 22nd at 11:00.
- 5th Graders will meet at the shelter at 10:30 to have friends sign their yearbooks and 5th Grade Graduation Tshirts. If your child ordered a yearbook, make sure they bring it to school Tuesday.
Pics of our Fun!!!
Saying goodbye to our Kindergarten Buddies
5th Grade Kickball Champions of the World!!!!
Market Day Fun