Friday, May 18, 2018

Fun and Crazy Week!!

We have had such a fun last full week of school!  I really can't believe how quickly the year has passed.  As the year comes to an end, I wanted to share a few reminders as well as a few pictures of the fun we've had this week.


  • Don't forget 5th Grade Graduation is Monday, May 21st at 6:00 at The Crossing.
  • Doors open at 5:30, and please make sure your child is there by 5:45 at the latest!!  We don't want anyone to miss the opening of the ceremony.

No Friday Folders

  • With the craziness of the day, Friday Folders did not get filled out or sent home today.
  • Please be sure to check your child's backpack on Monday to see the special I Am... poem we have been working on!

5th Grade Picnic

  • Don't forget the 5th Grade Picnic is on the last day of school, Tuesday, May 22nd at 11:00.
  • 5th Graders will meet at the shelter at 10:30 to have friends sign their yearbooks and 5th Grade Graduation Tshirts.  If your child ordered a yearbook, make sure they bring it to school Tuesday.

Pics of our Fun!!!

Saying goodbye to our Kindergarten Buddies

5th Grade Kickball Champions of the World!!!!

Market Day Fun

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Old Pics and New Pics

Here is an album that I don't think I shared correctly from earlier in the year when we had our Colonial Museum.  I hope it works this time.

Colonial Live Museum Album

Here is a slideshow I created with pictures from Field Day this morning.  Enjoy!

Field Day Memories 2018

Here is a link to all the pictures and videos I took today.

Field Day Pics 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

Photos and Reminders

5th Grade Hike- Tomorrow!

  • Don't forget to pack a lunch, bring a water bottle, put on sunscreen/bug spray (if needed, before school), and bring a drawstring bag.
  • We will be leaving RBE around 11:30 and returning around 2:00.
  • Students may bring footballs, frisbee, whiffle ball/bat, soccer ball, etc
  • Students are responsible for the care of the items they bring.

Sock Hop Photos

It was great seeing all the kids have so much fun at the sock hop.  Thank you to all the parents who helped to make this special and memorable event possible!!  I've posted some photos below, but if your child visited the photo booth, they can see those pictures here: Sock Hop Pictures

Outdoor Classroom Work

Hot Dog Party- MAP Celebration

Simple Machines

Science Show

Missouri Credit Union Field Trip