We've had a great first two weeks of in-seat 5th grade! Here are a few reminders and updates:
- Don't forget to remind your child to bring a water bottle to school everyday.
- Remind your child to pack a snack everyday.
- Dress for the weather. We'll go outside most days unless in raining.
Friday Folders
- Friday Folders were sent home today for the first time. Inside, on the left side, you will see a green sheet inside with scores for Success Ready skills. You can use the cover of the folder to see what each category means. These will be filled out approximately every two weeks. Please sign at the bottom and return the folder to school on Monday.
- On the right side, you'll sometimes see student work from the week or notes from the office. Please keep these at home.
Parent Teacher Conferences
- Parent Teacher Conference week is November 9-13th. Conferences will be done via zoom this year. We will spend approx. 10 minutes talking about your child's progress and work habits. We can also use this time to answer any questions you may have about the year thus far.
- Look for an email early next week with a link to sign up for your zoom conference!
5th Grade Morning Announcements
- Our class is the first 5th grade class this year to do the morning announcements over the school intercom. Thank you to the kids who have volunteered to read and share this 5th grade tradition. Everyone who has done it so far has done an awesome job representing 5th grade and our class.
- We still have a few spots open at the end of November. Ask your child if they are interested in reading announcements over the intercom, and have them let me know if they're interested!
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