Friday, March 8, 2019

Reading Week Fun and Upcoming Field Trip

Upcoming Field Trip

On Tuesday, March 19th, we will be attending the Children's Literature Festival at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, MO.  Students will get to meet and hear from authors and illustrators about their process and what inspires them to create books.  A few notes about the trip:
  • Please return the yellow permission form in your child's Friday Folder.
  • We will be leaving RBE at 8:00 am and returning at 4:00 pm.  Please make sure you have made arrangements to pick up your child at this time.
  • Students will have lunch in the campus commons where they will have the opportunity to purchase food from several options.  Your child may purchase lunch there, or bring a sack lunch from home to eat during this time.  If your child chooses to buy lunch there, we recommend they bring at least $7.
  • Students may bring electronics on the bus, but they will be put away during the festival.  Students are responsible for the care of their personal belongings.
I'm looking forward to this trip!  We will get to meet Roland Smith, one of my favorite children's authors.  In fact, we are reading one of his books for read aloud now.

Middle School Counselors

On Tuesday afternoon, counselors from Gentry Middle School will be visiting with 5th graders to talk to them about what a typical day in 6th grade might look like.  They will be able to answer questions from students about schedules, lockers, lunch, etc.  I can't believe it is already time to talk about next year!

Reading Week Fun

Check out the pictures below of some of our Reading Week fun.  Thank you to all the parents/family/community members who volunteered to share some books with the kids this week.

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Putnam

Book Character Day :)

Mystery Reader- Mr. McGinty

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Graham

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Kern

Scrabble Day

Mystery Reader- Logan's Grandma

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Jackson

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Wood

Sharing Books with our Kindergarten Buddies

Reading with the Stars
Jordan Geist

Mystery Reader- Mrs. Frazee

Reading with the Stars VIPs
These students read all 12 Mark Twain Books!

Reading with the Stars
Dr. Peter Stiepleman