Thursday, November 14, 2019

5th Grade Fall Fun

We've had a busy and fun couple of weeks in 5th grade! Thank you to all the parents who helped and donated supplies for the Fall Party.  We appreciate you, and I know the kids had a lot of fun.

Next week is a full week, but 5th grade homework will look a little different. Students will still have spelling words, but they will not be required to do any math sheets or the reading log.  Instead, to conclude our study on the 50 states, students will choose a state to research and will be decorating "Turkey Tom" to represent what they learned about their state.  More detailed info about this project will come home Monday.

Thanks to everyone who was able to attend your child's parent teacher conference. I really do enjoy sharing about your child and getting know my students' families a little better.

Have a great weekend!

Carl, The Puking Pumpkin

Fall Party Fun

Fun with our 2nd Grade Buddies

Native American Projects