Monday, August 24, 2020

Important End of Summer Info

 As summer comes to an end and you start to look ahead to 6th grade and middle school, I wanted to let our former 5th grade families know about RBE's Back to School Drive-Thru on September 1st and 2nd from 4:00-7:00. At this event former 5th graders can swing by to pick up their yearbooks from last year and the 5th grade T-shirts that the Missouri Credit made for the kids. I will be there working, and I would love to say hello to everyone and wish the kids well as they get ready for their next adventure.

I am really sad that COVID19 county restrictions for gatherings have made it hard to get the whole class together to say goodbye. Back in March (and even in May!) I had no idea that we would still be adjusting and cancelling events because of the virus. Even though we can't formally get together, I hope you and your kids will take a moment to watch the 5th Grade Video Slideshow that MCU helped to put together for 5th grade parents and students. 

MCU 5th Grade Slideshow

I hope everyone enjoyed this summer and good luck in middle school!  Come back to RBE to say hello in the future!