Friday, August 24, 2018

First Two Weeks

We have spent the first two weeks of school getting to know each other and learning the routines and expectations of 5th grade.  It has been a very smooth start to the year.  This is such a sweet group of kids, and I am so thankful that I get to spend every day learning with them.  I wanted to share a few pictures from our first week together.

Me Bags

Inside Our Heads

Can you find your child??


Math Time

Today, in Science, we went outside to see what living organisms we could find.  We were looking for food chains right outside our classroom door by asking ourselves two questions: 1) What does it eat? and 2) What might eat it?  Well, we had some excitement as one group of students had a Garter snake slither right by their feet and another group witnessed a HUGE black and yellow garden spider wrap its prey in its web.  I didn't get footage of the snake because I'm pretty sure we scared it as much as it scared us, but see below for some pics of our spider friend.

Have a GREAT weekend!

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